This is the original demo example from the main README. It is available for each of the backends.
git clone --branch latestcd ratatuicargo run --example=demo --features=crosstermcargo run --example=demo --no-default-features --features=termioncargo run --example=demo --no-default-features --features=termwiz
//! # [Ratatui] Original Demo example//!//! The latest version of this example is available in the [examples] folder in the repository.//!//! Please note that the examples are designed to be run against the `main` branch of the Github//! repository. This means that you may not be able to compile with the latest release version on//!, or the one that you have installed locally.//!//! See the [examples readme] for more information on finding examples that match the version of the//! library you are using.//!//! [Ratatui]:! [examples]:! [examples readme]:
use std::{error::Error, time::Duration};
use argh::FromArgs;
mod app;#[cfg(feature = "crossterm")]mod crossterm;#[cfg(all(not(windows), feature = "termion"))]mod termion;#[cfg(feature = "termwiz")]mod termwiz;
mod ui;
/// Demo#[derive(Debug, FromArgs)]struct Cli { /// time in ms between two ticks. #[argh(option, default = "250")] tick_rate: u64, /// whether unicode symbols are used to improve the overall look of the app #[argh(option, default = "true")] enhanced_graphics: bool,}
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { let cli: Cli = argh::from_env(); let tick_rate = Duration::from_millis(cli.tick_rate); #[cfg(feature = "crossterm")] crate::crossterm::run(tick_rate, cli.enhanced_graphics)?; #[cfg(all(not(windows), feature = "termion", not(feature = "crossterm")))] crate::termion::run(tick_rate, cli.enhanced_graphics)?; #[cfg(all( feature = "termwiz", not(feature = "crossterm"), not(feature = "termion") ))] crate::termwiz::run(tick_rate, cli.enhanced_graphics)?; Ok(())}
use rand::{ distributions::{Distribution, Uniform}, rngs::ThreadRng,};use ratatui::widgets::ListState;
const TASKS: [&str; 24] = [ "Item1", "Item2", "Item3", "Item4", "Item5", "Item6", "Item7", "Item8", "Item9", "Item10", "Item11", "Item12", "Item13", "Item14", "Item15", "Item16", "Item17", "Item18", "Item19", "Item20", "Item21", "Item22", "Item23", "Item24",];
const LOGS: [(&str, &str); 26] = [ ("Event1", "INFO"), ("Event2", "INFO"), ("Event3", "CRITICAL"), ("Event4", "ERROR"), ("Event5", "INFO"), ("Event6", "INFO"), ("Event7", "WARNING"), ("Event8", "INFO"), ("Event9", "INFO"), ("Event10", "INFO"), ("Event11", "CRITICAL"), ("Event12", "INFO"), ("Event13", "INFO"), ("Event14", "INFO"), ("Event15", "INFO"), ("Event16", "INFO"), ("Event17", "ERROR"), ("Event18", "ERROR"), ("Event19", "INFO"), ("Event20", "INFO"), ("Event21", "WARNING"), ("Event22", "INFO"), ("Event23", "INFO"), ("Event24", "WARNING"), ("Event25", "INFO"), ("Event26", "INFO"),];
const EVENTS: [(&str, u64); 24] = [ ("B1", 9), ("B2", 12), ("B3", 5), ("B4", 8), ("B5", 2), ("B6", 4), ("B7", 5), ("B8", 9), ("B9", 14), ("B10", 15), ("B11", 1), ("B12", 0), ("B13", 4), ("B14", 6), ("B15", 4), ("B16", 6), ("B17", 4), ("B18", 7), ("B19", 13), ("B20", 8), ("B21", 11), ("B22", 9), ("B23", 3), ("B24", 5),];
#[derive(Clone)]pub struct RandomSignal { distribution: Uniform<u64>, rng: ThreadRng,}
impl RandomSignal { pub fn new(lower: u64, upper: u64) -> Self { Self { distribution: Uniform::new(lower, upper), rng: rand::thread_rng(), } }}
impl Iterator for RandomSignal { type Item = u64; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u64> { Some(self.distribution.sample(&mut self.rng)) }}
#[derive(Clone)]pub struct SinSignal { x: f64, interval: f64, period: f64, scale: f64,}
impl SinSignal { pub const fn new(interval: f64, period: f64, scale: f64) -> Self { Self { x: 0.0, interval, period, scale, } }}
impl Iterator for SinSignal { type Item = (f64, f64); fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { let point = (self.x, (self.x * 1.0 / self.period).sin() * self.scale); self.x += self.interval; Some(point) }}
pub struct TabsState<'a> { pub titles: Vec<&'a str>, pub index: usize,}
impl<'a> TabsState<'a> { pub fn new(titles: Vec<&'a str>) -> Self { Self { titles, index: 0 } } pub fn next(&mut self) { self.index = (self.index + 1) % self.titles.len(); }
pub fn previous(&mut self) { if self.index > 0 { self.index -= 1; } else { self.index = self.titles.len() - 1; } }}
pub struct StatefulList<T> { pub state: ListState, pub items: Vec<T>,}
impl<T> StatefulList<T> { pub fn with_items(items: Vec<T>) -> Self { Self { state: ListState::default(), items, } }
pub fn next(&mut self) { let i = match self.state.selected() { Some(i) => { if i >= self.items.len() - 1 { 0 } else { i + 1 } } None => 0, };; }
pub fn previous(&mut self) { let i = match self.state.selected() { Some(i) => { if i == 0 { self.items.len() - 1 } else { i - 1 } } None => 0, };; }}
pub struct Signal<S: Iterator> { source: S, pub points: Vec<S::Item>, tick_rate: usize,}
impl<S> Signal<S>where S: Iterator,{ fn on_tick(&mut self) { self.points.drain(0..self.tick_rate); self.points .extend(self.source.by_ref().take(self.tick_rate)); }}
pub struct Signals { pub sin1: Signal<SinSignal>, pub sin2: Signal<SinSignal>, pub window: [f64; 2],}
impl Signals { fn on_tick(&mut self) { self.sin1.on_tick(); self.sin2.on_tick(); self.window[0] += 1.0; self.window[1] += 1.0; }}
pub struct Server<'a> { pub name: &'a str, pub location: &'a str, pub coords: (f64, f64), pub status: &'a str,}
pub struct App<'a> { pub title: &'a str, pub should_quit: bool, pub tabs: TabsState<'a>, pub show_chart: bool, pub progress: f64, pub sparkline: Signal<RandomSignal>, pub tasks: StatefulList<&'a str>, pub logs: StatefulList<(&'a str, &'a str)>, pub signals: Signals, pub barchart: Vec<(&'a str, u64)>, pub servers: Vec<Server<'a>>, pub enhanced_graphics: bool,}
impl<'a> App<'a> { pub fn new(title: &'a str, enhanced_graphics: bool) -> Self { let mut rand_signal = RandomSignal::new(0, 100); let sparkline_points = rand_signal.by_ref().take(300).collect(); let mut sin_signal = SinSignal::new(0.2, 3.0, 18.0); let sin1_points = sin_signal.by_ref().take(100).collect(); let mut sin_signal2 = SinSignal::new(0.1, 2.0, 10.0); let sin2_points = sin_signal2.by_ref().take(200).collect(); App { title, should_quit: false, tabs: TabsState::new(vec!["Tab0", "Tab1", "Tab2"]), show_chart: true, progress: 0.0, sparkline: Signal { source: rand_signal, points: sparkline_points, tick_rate: 1, }, tasks: StatefulList::with_items(TASKS.to_vec()), logs: StatefulList::with_items(LOGS.to_vec()), signals: Signals { sin1: Signal { source: sin_signal, points: sin1_points, tick_rate: 5, }, sin2: Signal { source: sin_signal2, points: sin2_points, tick_rate: 10, }, window: [0.0, 20.0], }, barchart: EVENTS.to_vec(), servers: vec![ Server { name: "NorthAmerica-1", location: "New York City", coords: (40.71, -74.00), status: "Up", }, Server { name: "Europe-1", location: "Paris", coords: (48.85, 2.35), status: "Failure", }, Server { name: "SouthAmerica-1", location: "São Paulo", coords: (-23.54, -46.62), status: "Up", }, Server { name: "Asia-1", location: "Singapore", coords: (1.35, 103.86), status: "Up", }, ], enhanced_graphics, } }
pub fn on_up(&mut self) { self.tasks.previous(); }
pub fn on_down(&mut self) {; }
pub fn on_right(&mut self) {; }
pub fn on_left(&mut self) { self.tabs.previous(); }
pub fn on_key(&mut self, c: char) { match c { 'q' => { self.should_quit = true; } 't' => { self.show_chart = !self.show_chart; } _ => {} } }
pub fn on_tick(&mut self) { // Update progress self.progress += 0.001; if self.progress > 1.0 { self.progress = 0.0; }
self.sparkline.on_tick(); self.signals.on_tick();
let log = self.logs.items.pop().unwrap(); self.logs.items.insert(0, log);
let event = self.barchart.pop().unwrap(); self.barchart.insert(0, event); }}
use ratatui::{ layout::{Constraint, Layout, Rect}, style::{Color, Modifier, Style}, symbols, text::{self, Span}, widgets::{ canvas::{self, Canvas, Circle, Map, MapResolution, Rectangle}, Axis, BarChart, Block, Cell, Chart, Dataset, Gauge, LineGauge, List, ListItem, Paragraph, Row, Sparkline, Table, Tabs, Wrap, }, Frame,};
use crate::app::App;
pub fn draw(frame: &mut Frame, app: &mut App) { let chunks = Layout::vertical([Constraint::Length(3), Constraint::Min(0)]).split(frame.area()); let tabs = app .tabs .titles .iter() .map(|t| text::Line::from(Span::styled(*t, Style::default().fg(Color::Green)))) .collect::<Tabs>() .block(Block::bordered().title(app.title)) .highlight_style(Style::default().fg(Color::Yellow)) .select(app.tabs.index); frame.render_widget(tabs, chunks[0]); match app.tabs.index { 0 => draw_first_tab(frame, app, chunks[1]), 1 => draw_second_tab(frame, app, chunks[1]), 2 => draw_third_tab(frame, app, chunks[1]), _ => {} };}
fn draw_first_tab(frame: &mut Frame, app: &mut App, area: Rect) { let chunks = Layout::vertical([ Constraint::Length(9), Constraint::Min(8), Constraint::Length(7), ]) .split(area); draw_gauges(frame, app, chunks[0]); draw_charts(frame, app, chunks[1]); draw_text(frame, chunks[2]);}
fn draw_gauges(frame: &mut Frame, app: &mut App, area: Rect) { let chunks = Layout::vertical([ Constraint::Length(2), Constraint::Length(3), Constraint::Length(2), ]) .margin(1) .split(area); let block = Block::bordered().title("Graphs"); frame.render_widget(block, area);
let label = format!("{:.2}%", app.progress * 100.0); let gauge = Gauge::default() .block(Block::new().title("Gauge:")) .gauge_style( Style::default() .fg(Color::Magenta) .bg(Color::Black) .add_modifier(Modifier::ITALIC | Modifier::BOLD), ) .use_unicode(app.enhanced_graphics) .label(label) .ratio(app.progress); frame.render_widget(gauge, chunks[0]);
let sparkline = Sparkline::default() .block(Block::new().title("Sparkline:")) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::Green)) .data(&app.sparkline.points) .bar_set(if app.enhanced_graphics { symbols::bar::NINE_LEVELS } else { symbols::bar::THREE_LEVELS }); frame.render_widget(sparkline, chunks[1]);
let line_gauge = LineGauge::default() .block(Block::new().title("LineGauge:")) .filled_style(Style::default().fg(Color::Magenta)) .line_set(if app.enhanced_graphics { symbols::line::THICK } else { symbols::line::NORMAL }) .ratio(app.progress); frame.render_widget(line_gauge, chunks[2]);}
#[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)]fn draw_charts(frame: &mut Frame, app: &mut App, area: Rect) { let constraints = if app.show_chart { vec![Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)] } else { vec![Constraint::Percentage(100)] }; let chunks = Layout::horizontal(constraints).split(area); { let chunks = Layout::vertical([Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)]) .split(chunks[0]); { let chunks = Layout::horizontal([Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)]) .split(chunks[0]);
// Draw tasks let tasks: Vec<ListItem> = app .tasks .items .iter() .map(|i| ListItem::new(vec![text::Line::from(Span::raw(*i))])) .collect(); let tasks = List::new(tasks) .block(Block::bordered().title("List")) .highlight_style(Style::default().add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD)) .highlight_symbol("> "); frame.render_stateful_widget(tasks, chunks[0], &mut app.tasks.state);
// Draw logs let info_style = Style::default().fg(Color::Blue); let warning_style = Style::default().fg(Color::Yellow); let error_style = Style::default().fg(Color::Magenta); let critical_style = Style::default().fg(Color::Red); let logs: Vec<ListItem> = app .logs .items .iter() .map(|&(evt, level)| { let s = match level { "ERROR" => error_style, "CRITICAL" => critical_style, "WARNING" => warning_style, _ => info_style, }; let content = vec![text::Line::from(vec![ Span::styled(format!("{level:<9}"), s), Span::raw(evt), ])]; ListItem::new(content) }) .collect(); let logs = List::new(logs).block(Block::bordered().title("List")); frame.render_stateful_widget(logs, chunks[1], &mut app.logs.state); }
let barchart = BarChart::default() .block(Block::bordered().title("Bar chart")) .data(&app.barchart) .bar_width(3) .bar_gap(2) .bar_set(if app.enhanced_graphics { symbols::bar::NINE_LEVELS } else { symbols::bar::THREE_LEVELS }) .value_style( Style::default() .fg(Color::Black) .bg(Color::Green) .add_modifier(Modifier::ITALIC), ) .label_style(Style::default().fg(Color::Yellow)) .bar_style(Style::default().fg(Color::Green)); frame.render_widget(barchart, chunks[1]); } if app.show_chart { let x_labels = vec![ Span::styled( format!("{}", app.signals.window[0]), Style::default().add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD), ), Span::raw(format!( "{}", (app.signals.window[0] + app.signals.window[1]) / 2.0 )), Span::styled( format!("{}", app.signals.window[1]), Style::default().add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD), ), ]; let datasets = vec![ Dataset::default() .name("data2") .marker(symbols::Marker::Dot) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::Cyan)) .data(&app.signals.sin1.points), Dataset::default() .name("data3") .marker(if app.enhanced_graphics { symbols::Marker::Braille } else { symbols::Marker::Dot }) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::Yellow)) .data(&app.signals.sin2.points), ]; let chart = Chart::new(datasets) .block( Block::bordered().title(Span::styled( "Chart", Style::default() .fg(Color::Cyan) .add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD), )), ) .x_axis( Axis::default() .title("X Axis") .style(Style::default().fg(Color::Gray)) .bounds(app.signals.window) .labels(x_labels), ) .y_axis( Axis::default() .title("Y Axis") .style(Style::default().fg(Color::Gray)) .bounds([-20.0, 20.0]) .labels([ Span::styled("-20", Style::default().add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD)), Span::raw("0"), Span::styled("20", Style::default().add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD)), ]), ); frame.render_widget(chart, chunks[1]); }}
fn draw_text(frame: &mut Frame, area: Rect) { let text = vec![ text::Line::from("This is a paragraph with several lines. You can change style your text the way you want"), text::Line::from(""), text::Line::from(vec![ Span::from("For example: "), Span::styled("under", Style::default().fg(Color::Red)), Span::raw(" "), Span::styled("the", Style::default().fg(Color::Green)), Span::raw(" "), Span::styled("rainbow", Style::default().fg(Color::Blue)), Span::raw("."), ]), text::Line::from(vec![ Span::raw("Oh and if you didn't "), Span::styled("notice", Style::default().add_modifier(Modifier::ITALIC)), Span::raw(" you can "), Span::styled("automatically", Style::default().add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD)), Span::raw(" "), Span::styled("wrap", Style::default().add_modifier(Modifier::REVERSED)), Span::raw(" your "), Span::styled("text", Style::default().add_modifier(Modifier::UNDERLINED)), Span::raw(".") ]), text::Line::from( "One more thing is that it should display unicode characters: 10€" ), ]; let block = Block::bordered().title(Span::styled( "Footer", Style::default() .fg(Color::Magenta) .add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD), )); let paragraph = Paragraph::new(text).block(block).wrap(Wrap { trim: true }); frame.render_widget(paragraph, area);}
fn draw_second_tab(frame: &mut Frame, app: &mut App, area: Rect) { let chunks = Layout::horizontal([Constraint::Percentage(30), Constraint::Percentage(70)]).split(area); let up_style = Style::default().fg(Color::Green); let failure_style = Style::default() .fg(Color::Red) .add_modifier(Modifier::RAPID_BLINK | Modifier::CROSSED_OUT); let rows = app.servers.iter().map(|s| { let style = if s.status == "Up" { up_style } else { failure_style }; Row::new(vec![, s.location, s.status]).style(style) }); let table = Table::new( rows, [ Constraint::Length(15), Constraint::Length(15), Constraint::Length(10), ], ) .header( Row::new(vec!["Server", "Location", "Status"]) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::Yellow)) .bottom_margin(1), ) .block(Block::bordered().title("Servers")); frame.render_widget(table, chunks[0]);
let map = Canvas::default() .block(Block::bordered().title("World")) .paint(|ctx| { ctx.draw(&Map { color: Color::White, resolution: MapResolution::High, }); ctx.layer(); ctx.draw(&Rectangle { x: 0.0, y: 30.0, width: 10.0, height: 10.0, color: Color::Yellow, }); ctx.draw(&Circle { x: app.servers[2].coords.1, y: app.servers[2].coords.0, radius: 10.0, color: Color::Green, }); for (i, s1) in app.servers.iter().enumerate() { for s2 in &app.servers[i + 1..] { ctx.draw(&canvas::Line { x1: s1.coords.1, y1: s1.coords.0, y2: s2.coords.0, x2: s2.coords.1, color: Color::Yellow, }); } } for server in &app.servers { let color = if server.status == "Up" { Color::Green } else { Color::Red }; ctx.print( server.coords.1, server.coords.0, Span::styled("X", Style::default().fg(color)), ); } }) .marker(if app.enhanced_graphics { symbols::Marker::Braille } else { symbols::Marker::Dot }) .x_bounds([-180.0, 180.0]) .y_bounds([-90.0, 90.0]); frame.render_widget(map, chunks[1]);}
fn draw_third_tab(frame: &mut Frame, _app: &mut App, area: Rect) { let chunks = Layout::horizontal([Constraint::Ratio(1, 2), Constraint::Ratio(1, 2)]).split(area); let colors = [ Color::Reset, Color::Black, Color::Red, Color::Green, Color::Yellow, Color::Blue, Color::Magenta, Color::Cyan, Color::Gray, Color::DarkGray, Color::LightRed, Color::LightGreen, Color::LightYellow, Color::LightBlue, Color::LightMagenta, Color::LightCyan, Color::White, ]; let items: Vec<Row> = colors .iter() .map(|c| { let cells = vec![ Cell::from(Span::raw(format!("{c:?}: "))), Cell::from(Span::styled("Foreground", Style::default().fg(*c))), Cell::from(Span::styled("Background", Style::default().bg(*c))), ]; Row::new(cells) }) .collect(); let table = Table::new( items, [ Constraint::Ratio(1, 3), Constraint::Ratio(1, 3), Constraint::Ratio(1, 3), ], ) .block(Block::bordered().title("Colors")); frame.render_widget(table, chunks[0]);}
use std::{ error::Error, io, time::{Duration, Instant},};
use ratatui::{ backend::{Backend, CrosstermBackend}, crossterm::{ event::{self, DisableMouseCapture, EnableMouseCapture, Event, KeyCode, KeyEventKind}, execute, terminal::{disable_raw_mode, enable_raw_mode, EnterAlternateScreen, LeaveAlternateScreen}, }, Terminal,};
use crate::{app::App, ui};
pub fn run(tick_rate: Duration, enhanced_graphics: bool) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { // setup terminal enable_raw_mode()?; let mut stdout = io::stdout(); execute!(stdout, EnterAlternateScreen, EnableMouseCapture)?; let backend = CrosstermBackend::new(stdout); let mut terminal = Terminal::new(backend)?;
// create app and run it let app = App::new("Crossterm Demo", enhanced_graphics); let app_result = run_app(&mut terminal, app, tick_rate);
// restore terminal disable_raw_mode()?; execute!( terminal.backend_mut(), LeaveAlternateScreen, DisableMouseCapture )?; terminal.show_cursor()?;
if let Err(err) = app_result { println!("{err:?}"); }
fn run_app<B: Backend>( terminal: &mut Terminal<B>, mut app: App, tick_rate: Duration,) -> io::Result<()> { let mut last_tick = Instant::now(); loop { terminal.draw(|frame| ui::draw(frame, &mut app))?;
let timeout = tick_rate.saturating_sub(last_tick.elapsed()); if event::poll(timeout)? { if let Event::Key(key) = event::read()? { if key.kind == KeyEventKind::Press { match key.code { KeyCode::Left | KeyCode::Char('h') => app.on_left(), KeyCode::Up | KeyCode::Char('k') => app.on_up(), KeyCode::Right | KeyCode::Char('l') => app.on_right(), KeyCode::Down | KeyCode::Char('j') => app.on_down(), KeyCode::Char(c) => app.on_key(c), _ => {} } } } } if last_tick.elapsed() >= tick_rate { app.on_tick(); last_tick = Instant::now(); } if app.should_quit { return Ok(()); } }}
#![allow(dead_code)]use std::{error::Error, io, sync::mpsc, thread, time::Duration};
use ratatui::{ backend::{Backend, TermionBackend}, termion::{ event::Key, input::{MouseTerminal, TermRead}, raw::IntoRawMode, screen::IntoAlternateScreen, }, Terminal,};
use crate::{app::App, ui};
pub fn run(tick_rate: Duration, enhanced_graphics: bool) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { // setup terminal let stdout = io::stdout() .into_raw_mode() .unwrap() .into_alternate_screen() .unwrap(); let stdout = MouseTerminal::from(stdout); let backend = TermionBackend::new(stdout); let mut terminal = Terminal::new(backend)?;
// create app and run it let app = App::new("Termion demo", enhanced_graphics); run_app(&mut terminal, app, tick_rate)?;
fn run_app<B: Backend>( terminal: &mut Terminal<B>, mut app: App, tick_rate: Duration,) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { let events = events(tick_rate); loop { terminal.draw(|frame| ui::draw(frame, &mut app))?;
match events.recv()? { Event::Input(key) => match key { Key::Up | Key::Char('k') => app.on_up(), Key::Down | Key::Char('j') => app.on_down(), Key::Left | Key::Char('h') => app.on_left(), Key::Right | Key::Char('l') => app.on_right(), Key::Char(c) => app.on_key(c), _ => {} }, Event::Tick => app.on_tick(), } if app.should_quit { return Ok(()); } }}
enum Event { Input(Key), Tick,}
fn events(tick_rate: Duration) -> mpsc::Receiver<Event> { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(); let keys_tx = tx.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { let stdin = io::stdin(); for key in stdin.keys().flatten() { if let Err(err) = keys_tx.send(Event::Input(key)) { eprintln!("{err}"); return; } } }); thread::spawn(move || loop { if let Err(err) = tx.send(Event::Tick) { eprintln!("{err}"); break; } thread::sleep(tick_rate); }); rx}
#![allow(dead_code)]use std::{ error::Error, time::{Duration, Instant},};
use ratatui::{ backend::TermwizBackend, termwiz::{ input::{InputEvent, KeyCode}, terminal::Terminal as TermwizTerminal, }, Terminal,};
use crate::{app::App, ui};
pub fn run(tick_rate: Duration, enhanced_graphics: bool) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { let backend = TermwizBackend::new()?; let mut terminal = Terminal::new(backend)?; terminal.hide_cursor()?;
// create app and run it let app = App::new("Termwiz Demo", enhanced_graphics); let app_result = run_app(&mut terminal, app, tick_rate);
terminal.show_cursor()?; terminal.flush()?;
if let Err(err) = app_result { println!("{err:?}"); }
fn run_app( terminal: &mut Terminal<TermwizBackend>, mut app: App, tick_rate: Duration,) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { let mut last_tick = Instant::now(); loop { terminal.draw(|frame| ui::draw(frame, &mut app))?;
let timeout = tick_rate.saturating_sub(last_tick.elapsed()); if let Some(input) = terminal .backend_mut() .buffered_terminal_mut() .terminal() .poll_input(Some(timeout))? { match input { InputEvent::Key(key_code) => match key_code.key { KeyCode::UpArrow | KeyCode::Char('k') => app.on_up(), KeyCode::DownArrow | KeyCode::Char('j') => app.on_down(), KeyCode::LeftArrow | KeyCode::Char('h') => app.on_left(), KeyCode::RightArrow | KeyCode::Char('l') => app.on_right(), KeyCode::Char(c) => app.on_key(c), _ => {} }, InputEvent::Resized { cols, rows } => { terminal .backend_mut() .buffered_terminal_mut() .resize(cols, rows); } _ => {} } }
if last_tick.elapsed() >= tick_rate { app.on_tick(); last_tick = Instant::now(); } if app.should_quit { return Ok(()); } }}